Being able to check off all the 'to do list', being able to take care of our family members in our ideal ways, having great health can make us feel strong and sufficient. But there are times when we feel weak..
When relationship with coworker is so hard, and nothing you do seem to soften her heart.
When we are sick in our bed literally helpless.
When we received a bad news about our family member from a hospital.
We prefer to be in the situation that makes me feel strong and sufficient, not the one that makes us feel weak and insufficient.
But here's a surprising statement by Paul in the bible.
But he (Jesus) said to me (Paul), “My grace is sufficient for you, f
or my power is perfected in weakness.”
Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (CSB).
Weakness as strength
It seems like Paul has a very different view regarding our weaknesses. He is saying that it can actually greatly benefit us, that if he had to boast, he will most gladly boast all the more about his weaknesses rather than his strength (which he had multiple!).
If Paul lived in the 21st century, he would be the highly disciplined, elite guy who graduated from multiple prestigious schools. But he is saying that he would not boast about those skills, accomplishment, but of his weakness.
Why? Because he has experienced, and has seen with his own eyes of how Christ's power resided in his weakness. Power outside of himself, power that came from Christ Himself.
So how can our weakness be a powerful means to experience Christ's power? Christ's power that is 'perfected' in weakness?

I want to invite us to think bit deeper about what it mean that our weakness can be turned into strength, using this artwork that I painted, inspired by today's main verse:
But he (Jesus) said to me (Paul),
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.”
Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (CSB).
endless boasting game
First of all, who was Paul saying this to?
He was writing this statement to people in Corinthian Church, where a lot of people were boasting about their spiritual high experiences and their identity. Their pride and competitive attitude was ruining the church. They believed that Christ's power is perfected in their strengths, gladly boasting all the more about their strength, great spiritual experiences that make them feel like a spiritual elite, and their ethnic identity.

Reflection with art #1: Pink background
If I painted based on what Corinthian Church boasted about, perhaps I used stronger colors like vivid red. But as I reflected on what Paul boasted about, I wanted to use pink, the gentle color. In what ways can you relate to (or not relate to) the way people at Corinthian Church were boasting?
danger of subtle Boasting
My initial thoughts were,
"I don't boast like people in Corinthians church!"
"Also, I'm definitely not like that person who shows off their flashy new car. After all, I drive a humble Toyota."
However, it hit me- I was boasting too, in a subtler way. I was using my Toyota to non-verbally boast about my 'humility'. Isn't that boasting in its own form, since 'boasting' ultimately is about using something (skills, possession, what somebody said...etc) or somebody (friends, family, co-worker, leaders, etc) outside of myself to feel better about ourselves? Regardless of the fact that HIS GRACE is sufficient for us?
Reflection with art #2: Fig Leaves
If fig leaves represent everything that we put on ourselves to make ourselves look better, or make us feel better about ourselves, what would it be? What 'weakness' are we trying to cover using those fig leaves?
For one step deeper reflection: In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves once they realized the way they view themselves shifted once they took an action to go against God, to go along with what they believed to be right without God. Through Christ, we are reconciled to God, and we no longer need to cover ourselves with fig leaves. What are the ways that we can claim more of that reality to our relationship with God today?

the power of weakness in christ
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.”
Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9.
Paul 'gladly' boasts about something that can puzzle many of us. He said he will 'most gladly boast all the more about MY WEAKNESSES'. Why would anybody be open and be okay with weaknesses- which are often counted as useless, helpless, unwanted, tedious, annoying by this world?
No matter how well we cover up our weakness, in reality, it is always there. It never disappears and we always carry it with us wherever we go. But Paul is insisting that our weakness is a powerful means to find God in our pain. Somehow weakness can be an uttermost dwelling for Christ's power to reside. Our weakness is the eternal reminder that we were never meant to walk by ourselves but with God. He will never leave nor forsake us, unless we choose to forsake him ourselves.

thrive in god's love
In the painting, fig leaves are no longer covering the tree but the tree proudly stands with assurance of God's acceptance and validation through Christ. We can boast in our weakness, knowing that we are embraced by Agape love (love of God) that does not boast- because this love alone truly stands without support or validation from other existing beings.
There are plenty of things that are determined to shake us: relationships, job situations, our physical sickness, and list can go on. Sometimes, our weakness can lead us to particular sin patterns because it seems like it can offer us better option, or comfort in the midst of pain.
But may we be reminded today, that in Christ, role of our weakness can be radically transformed into something far better than we can imagine.
Reflection with art #3 Tree
In what ways have you experienced Christ's power through your weakness? If not, what kind of conversation can we start with God to see even the potential of our weakness becoming our Strength in Christ?
Thank you for reading all the way until the end. :)